What's new
15 April 2015
10 April 2015
27 March 2015
14 March 2015
22 February 2015
4 February 2015
18 January 2015
13 January 2015
20 December 2014
14 December 2014
12 December 2014
10 December 2014
8 December 2014
7 December 2014
An auditory skeuomorph you've heard many times, without even knowing it.
6 December 2014
Have we all been killed by 3D-printed guns yet? I haven't been paying attention.
28 August 2014
28 July 2014
20 June 2014
3 March 2014
19 January 2014
18 January 2014
16 January 2014
21 November 2013
20 November 2013
Not one column, not two columns, but three!
Neil Young's "Pono" thing, encryption with random... ish... numbers, and my reply to the surprising amount of hate mail I got about the Pono column!
3 October 2013
5 August 2013
14 July 2013
13 July 2013
24 June 2013
7 May 2013
4 May 2013
On the h4xx0ring of p4sswordZ.
29 April 2013
Warfare. Aliens. Car crashes. ENTERTAINMENT!
4 April 2013
8 March 2013
Network storage box: Twenty-five dollars.
27 February 2013
8 February 2013
6 February 2013
3 February 2013
28 January 2013
Identical voices and phantom swords.
17 January 2013
14 January 2013
Astonishingly, I just reviewed something.
It's a mouse that costs almost nothing.
20 December 2012
21 November 2012
13 November 2012
If it looks random, it probably isn't.
2 November 2012
24 October 2012
Over at the blog, I just wrote a surprising number of words about a thing that makes tea.
2 October 2012
25 September 2012
11 September 2012
A blog post, not really a review:
15.16 thousand megabytes per dollar.
30 August 2012
24 August 2012
15 August 2012
3 August 2012
12 July 2012
7 July 2012
And now for something completely different.
28 June 2012
14 June 2012
Welcome to my (imaginary) museum!
8 June 2012
14 May 2012
What does playing video games do to your mind?
25 March 2012
24 March 2012
When you have eliminated the impossible...
22 March 2012
Of magic lanterns, and MMORPGs
21 March 2012
15 March 2012
Holy crap, I actually reviewed something!
Behold: My hamburger pedal.
14 March 2012
26 February 2012
8 February 2012
4 February 2012
3 February 2012
File extensions are ridiculous.
6 January 2012
14 December 2011
11 December 2011
25 November 2011
24 November 2011
18 October 2011
17 October 2011
15 September 2011
13 September 2011
29 August 2011
Have you wasted enough time today?
19 August 2011
17 July 2011
16 July 2011
Big Brother is watching you play.
1 July 2011
28 June 2011
26 June 2011
25 June 2011
20 June 2011
9 June 2011
2 May 2011
28 April 2011
Five trillion bits flying in loose formation.
11 April 2011
11 April 2011
25 March 2011
Anybody reading this page who doesn't already have more than enough Photon LED lights may be very, very slightly interested to learn that, this week only, everything in the Photon store is 15% off, if you use the coupon code "SPRING15OFF".
(As usual, I get a cut if you follow my link and then buy something.)
20 March 2011
19 March 2011
18 March 2011
17 March 2011
16 March 2011
7 March 2011
21 February 2011
20 February 2011
17 February 2011
12 December 2010
25 October 2010
20 September 2010
18 September 2010
Letters, and more letters!
11 August 2010
12 July 2010
3 July 2010
I have avoided pestering readers of this page with announcements of the last couple of Photon-light sales. This one's quite nice, though.
For the duration of the US Fourth of July weekend, they've taken 15% off everything in the store, including a bunch of oddments that you might not expect people famous for high-quality key-ring flashlights. They sell excellent-quality Maha NiMH batteries and chargers, some Leatherman tools and, as they say, more.
Use the coupon code "FIREWORKS" at checkout to get your discount. And, as usual, I get a cut if you click my link to the site and then buy something.
21 June 2010
16 June 2010
17 May 2010
500 gig per second, if we don't get a flat.
14 May 2010
4 May 2010
4 May 2010
On the hobby-microcontroller revolution.
(If you hate it when I put tons and tons of links in an article, you should probably skip this one.)
2 May 2010
Command-line interfaces: Nerd Skill Number One.
15 April 2010
Herewith, a product of considerable interest to Australians and virtually none to everyone else:
The Noontec V9-T, a neat little networked dual-tuner PVR and media player of exactly the sort that big media companies want to sue you for owning.
(Note that this device is pointless for non-Australians because its TV tuners only work with our, unique, free-to-air digital TV system.)
31 March 2010
How hot is too hot for a hard drive?
28 March 2010
Letters, and more letters!
23 March 2010
You know what's wrong with episodic games?
20 March 2010
Measuring the performance of storage devices is easy.
Measuring their performance properly isn't.
16 February 2010
Forgot to annoy you all with announcement of another Photon-light sale.
15% off everything in the store, I get a cut if you buy things, I'll shut up now.
3 February 2010
A letters column, and another letters column!
14 January 2010
USB 3 drive box. USB 3 controller card. Quite cheap. Any good?
5 November 2009
A new Ask Dan, all about drives.
5 November 2009
22 October 2009
21 October 2009
From aerial torpedoes to RoboCars.
14 October 2009
Another Photon-light sale!
The US dollar's in pretty lousy shape at the moment, so this could be a good time for people outside the USA to buy some stuff from the Photon factory outlet.
The current "October Pre-Holiday Sale" takes 15% off all Photon lights, Maha batteries and chargers, and Leatherman multi-tools, which they now also sell for some reason.
The 15% discount also applies to their expensive but good variable-brightness "Photon Pro" one-AA-cell light, which has been upgraded with a significantly brighter high-power white LED, in addition to its little red LED for when you don't want to lose your night vision.
And, as usual, I get a cut of the action if you click here and buy something!15 September 2009
Alternate history: Of railways, roadways, 3D cards and PC clones.
13 September 2009
2 September 2009
Ask Dan: ExpressCard vs PCMCIA.
In which I figure out why it's possible to get adapters that plug ExpressCards into CardBus PCMCIA slots.
(It's more interesting than it sounds. Well, I think it is, anyway.)
5 August 2009
21 July 2009
A couple of aspects of modern computing, and modern transport, that'll seem completely bizarre to people in the future.
22 June 2009
21 June 2009
19 June 2009
I haven't begged for money for more than nine months...
...so I thought I'd have a really big beg this time.
Anybody wanna help me buy a new PC?
19 June 2009
Next stop, clay tablets: It's possible to back up computer data onto ordinary paper. And it's less silly than it sounds!
8 June 2009
I just wrote a blog post about a couple of Australian "economic stimulus" programs which Aussie readers might find interesting.
(My apologies to readers who already subscribe to my blog's feed.)
31 May 2009
16 May 2009
Which kind of sci-fi super-battery should you ask the aliens for?
30 April 2009
(Also, mail to dan@dansdata.com was bouncing for a bit. It's fixed now, though; please re-send anything that didn't get through.)
18 April 2009
Would you like to live forever?
31 March 2009
Ask Dan: A PC for the parents?
24 March 2009
13 March 2009
In the unlikely case that you have not yet bought quite enough Photon lights, they've got another sale running now. The list prices for various of their products have been reduced a bit now, and there's a "March Madness" sale running on top of that, until the end of the month
As usual, I get a cut of the action if you click here and buy something.
26 February 2009
A "200Hz screen" can be any one of at least three different things.
23 February 2009
21 February 2009
We're all prisoners of game theory.
25 January 2009
24 January 2009
Are you going to believe me, or your lying eyes?
14 January 2009
I'm back from my holiday, and yesterday wrote what almost amounts to another flashlight review on my blog.
(If you'd like to be automatically notified of new posts on Dan's Data and How To Spot A Psychopath, I remind you that the Dan's Data feed is here, and the How To Spot A Psychopath one is here.)