Dan's Data Merchandise!
Last modified 03-Dec-2011.
Want a T-shirt, sweatshirt or mug with a picture of a bad-ass CPU or highly decorative LED on it? Or even, disturbing though I find the concept, a picture of my face?
You've come to the right place.
Thanks to the painless storefront-building people at CafePress, I am now offering T-shirts, baby doll shirts, sweatshirts and mugs with the three abovementioned images upon them. All products will be produced in a strictly limited edition of exactly however many people are willing to buy.
Those pictures in more detail:
The Old School merchandise has this picture, of a de-cased Slot A Athlon bedecked with giant Turbocooler and GFD, from my old overclocking piece here. The CPU I'm using now is twice as fast as this thing ever got, but the old CPU looks much more bad-ass, I think you'll agree.
I took this picture for a magazine article just the other day. It's a high intensity LED, poked through a sheet of Vero board, and in the original image (and the larger version that you'll see if you click the above picture) there's enough detail to see the very fine gold wire going between the two terminals inside.
Either you're saying "huh?" right now, or you just know you want it.
This is, I'm sorry to say, me, wearing the FrontaLED Trekker headlamp I review here. If you want to see my face all the time - or, worse yet, show it to strangers who haven't asked to see it at all - then the products bearing this image will slake your thirst for torture.
And now, this. The picture from my How To Spot A Psychopath page on one side, and all of the text from below the picture on the back.
There's quite a lot of text, so this is one of those T-shirts that causes people to force you to stand still while they read it. Sorry.
Also, this. 15 ounce mug, psycho pic on one side, URL on the other because the rest of the text wouldn't fit.
The psycho page used to be hit number 1 in a Google search for the word "psychopath". I don't know whether it's good or bad that it's now hit number 5.
I've bought a couple of CafePress shirts before (these ones, actually). They're pretty good. The shirts themselves are quality Hanes garments, and the on-demand printing method that CafePress use makes the graphic on the front a little stiff when the shirt's new, but perfectly wearable. It doesn't feel like a raincoat.
It also doesn't fall apart in the wash; after a couple of washes, the printing softens without cracking, and the result looks and feels like any other normal screen printed shirt. The shirts are worth paying money for. I did.
CafePress print on mousemats and beer steins and boxer shorts and who knows what else, as well; I've got coffee mugs at the moment, as well as three shirt varieties.
If you'd like to buy some other CafePress product with one of these pictures on it, or if some other picture on this site particularly tickles you and you'd like to see it on a shirt or a mug or one of the other widgets CafePress offer, just drop me a line.
All of the prices I've picked are three U.S. bucks above the CafePress base price, so that's how much I'll make every time someone buys one of these things. Well, I'll make $US3.01, actually, because I have chosen not to pollute the world with another $xx.99 price tag.
You can see one storefront page with all of the merchandise (or, for the New Yorkers and Spaceballs enthusiasts out there, da moichendise) on it, here: